Overall Champion
Highest Ranked player Overall
Awarded a "Battle-Ready" Katana
Can be won in addition to any other award
Best in Clan Awards
Runner-up Best Overall
1 Award Per Clan: Fox, Turtle, & Viper
Awarded to the top players that did not win the Sensei award
Player ranked in the exact middle for Overall
Sponsor: Counter Charge Podcast
Awarded a Tanto - Short Sword

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Best General
Highest Battle Points Earned In-Game
Major Award: if you earn 2+ Major Awards you will only receive the highest
The Shogun is the warlord of all Japan
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Best Appearance
Highest Judge-Scored Appearance
Major Award: if you earn 2+ Major Awards you will only receive the highest
An Atisuto is a Japanese master artist
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Best Sportsman
Highest Player-Scored Sportsmanship
Major Award: if you earn 2+ Major Awards you will only receive the highest
Zenji are the chief Zen-Buddhist monks
"Emperor's Royal Guard"
Players' Choice Army (most player votes)
"Emperor's Champion"
Best Samurai Hero (most player votes)
"Sneaky Ninja"
Day 2 Battle Total minus Day 1 Battle Total
Reverse "Hero-to-Zero" award
Ninja's like to sneak up from behind
"Deadliest Samurai"
Highest Attrition (Most Points Killed/Routed)
"Tactical Genius"
Most Objectives scored (Scenario + Samurai)
"The Last Samurai"
Lowest Battle Score
"Best Team"
The Highest Average Battle Points of any club/team with 3+ players.
In the Spirit of the glorious Cobra Kai Dojo:
Strike First!
Strike Hard!
Show No Mercy!