Haikus are a traditional Japanese poetry style. They are typically written with 3 lines with a set number a syllables per line. 1st line = 5 syllables, 2nd line = 7 syllables, & 3rd line = 5 syllables. This brief and stylized poem is a perfect medium for issuing challenges to your opponents. They offer an opportunity for warriors competing in the Samurai Showdown GT to demonstrate their creativity, wit, and ruthlessness in order to intimidate their opponents. When writing a Haiku you should be painting a vivid image of the scene you wish to depict; this is done by breaking the poem into 2 distinct parts: 1. A description of events that are unfolding (usually the 1st & 2nd lines), 2. A moment of clarity or revelation where a deeper understanding is found (usually in the 3rd line). You can find a good explanation for the Haiku style HERE.
Players may issue or accept a challenge using a haiku to get a bonus point towards their Sportsmanship score. Alternatively you may wait until you are assigned a game #1 opponent and then write a haiku that predicts the results of the battle or that will intimidate / belittle your opponent. Post your Haiku in a Kings of War Facebook group and tag Aaron Chapman, so that the challenge and bonus point is logged. Below are a few examples of the genius poems written in past years to give you some inspiration.
* * *
Men with pointy sticks
Many lined up in a row
Dinosaur buffet
-Justin May to Tony Rogers
* * *
Zach, you Riftforg'd bitch
I'm glad we get to play, but
Dominate it is
-Justin Robbins to Zack Clark
* * *
Devlin your sword is
Weak, like your body and heart
Brawler's can't save you
-David Sweatt to Devlin Smith
* * *
Blue skies will darken
The wind howls and arrows fly
Elf acupuncture
No verdant units
No fear for splinters or an
Evil Dead love scene
Gonna make you Sweatt
Imagine the techno song
but BDSM
My next tourny west
When we both stay at Mark's house
I'll show you my Cox
The Counter Charger
A Brawler on Brawler crime
-Devlin Smith to David Sweatt
* * *
Mark Bryson challenge!
Why use lot words? Few will do
Winner, the best Mark
-Mark Cox to Mark Bryson
* * *
Clown cacophony
Entices the living dead
Fools flesh satisfies
Past the horizon
Squeaky clown shoes fall silent
A circus of death
-Travis Cook to John Hogge
* * *
Hey, Mister O'Neal
You like fighting horde armies?
Ha Ha... that's too bad!
Fast and yet nimble
Fear the Explodomatics!
Can you say, "KABOOM!"?
Mawbeasts everywhere
Kill a few... I have lots more
Swarming on the field
You may fly, but I
Have annoying Groany Snark
To mess up your plans
How will you survive
The sea of green and rainbows
Bringing forth your doom?
-Rick Hoy to Todd O'Neal
* * *
Flanks and rears be surged
My casket will not fizzle
Your army is purged
-Tristan Glidden to Justin Robbins
* * *
Come forth big hug man
Your vengeance is now at hand
Oklahoma shame
One shot your Reavers
Watch as I do it again
Not a hug for you
Best of the Rest boy
Varangur will not save you
Game one shall be mine
-Robert Zimmerman to Drew Richardson
* * *
A challenge you've made
Weak, but acceptable still
Now begins your doom
Hugs will ease your pain
They will grip you like a blade
Cuts through to your soul
Varangur are strong
Sixty-fifth Master am I
Game one shall be mine
-Drew Richardson to Robert Zimmerman
* * *
Once mighty Shogun
Kneels as lowly disciple
Bows to his better
Shame shrouds pride blunts nerve
The fighting spirit has fled
The blade hangs limply
-John Green Jr. to Jeff Radigan
* * *
Silly Cajun man
Great leaders also follow
No shame in friendship
Mosquito buzzes
Foolish to call attention
Now must be dealt with
Round one loss assured
The moment you challenged me
The best in Texas
-Jeff Radigan to John Green Jr.
* * *
Jose loses grip
Defeat's bitter taste lingers
Hope for victory
-Jordan Braun to Jose Vega
* * *
You will fall at Dojo
Not because I can beat you
I will just push you
- Matt Young to Nick Mikelonis
* * *
In the gaming room
Samurai rat keeps honor
Will you bring plum wine?
-Nick Mikelonis to Matt Young
* * *
Bad notes band plays LOUD
Smash your ears to bits, HONK! HONK!
No one laughing now
-John Hogge to Travis Cook
* * *
Bruce shoots my angels
Halo targets in his sight
Ouch my holy ass
-Tom Annis to Bruce McDanel